Chapters in Anthologies
“The role of panentheism and pantheism for environmental well-being”, Lina Langby, in Views of Nature and Dualism: Rethinking Philosophical, Theological, and Religious Assumptions in the Anthropocene, red. Knut-WillySaether and Thomas John Hastings (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2024), pp. 43-70.
“Språk, verklighet, och gudsuppfattningar”, in Gudsbilder i förändring, red. Tomas Axelson, Maria Essunger, Michael Nausner & Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson. Svenska kyrkans forskningsserie (Stockholm: Verbum förlag), pp. 139-151, ISBN: 978-91-526-3978-8
“Feministisk religionsfilosofi och lidandets problem”, (Eng: Feminist philosophy of religion and the problem of suffering) Lina Langby, in Vidgade perspektiv på lidandets problem, eds. Francis Jonbäck, Oliver Li, Lina Langby. (2022,Stockholm: Dialogos), pp. 127-153.
“Processteism och lidandets problem”, (Eng: Process theism and the problem of suffering) Oliver Li and Lina Langby, in Vidgade perspektiv på lidandets problem, eds. Francis Jonbäck, Oliver Li, Lina Langby. (2022, Stockholm: Dialogos) pp. 259-283.
“Traditionella och vidgade perspektiv på lidandets problem”, (Eng: Traditional and widened perspective on the problem of suffering) Francis Jonbäck, Oliver Li, Lina Langby, in Vidgade perspektiv på lidandets problem, eds. Francis Jonbäck, Oliver Li, Lina Langby. (2022, Stockholm: Dialogos), pp. 13-32.
Peer Reviewed Academic Articles and Papers
“What is valuable in human and non-human nature?”, in Nordic Environmental Law Journal, Special issue: Rights of Nature, National Interest, and Representation. Gästredaktörer Victoria Enkvist, Marianne Dahlén och Seth Epstein.
Lina Langby & Martin Langby (20 May 2024): ”The Holy Spirit
and kenotic loving power,” Studia Theologica – Nordic Journal of Theology, DOI: 10.1080/0039338X.2024.2350706
“Process-panentheism and the ‘Only way’ argument”, Open Theology (2022) 8:1, pp. 261-275.
“En Gud värdig tillbedjan: en filosofisk analys av tillbedjan, panteism och det gudomligas personlighet”, (Eng: A God worthy of worship: a philosophical analysis of pantheism and the personality of the divine) Svensk teologisk kvartalsskrift (2021) 97:4, pp. 319-333.
Conference-Paper Presentations
Panpsychism and the value of nature. At European Academy of Religion, Palermo 20-23 May 2024.
Review of the book Processing Mimetic Reality by Andre Rabe, at online conference “Open and Relational Theology Online Conference”, February 22-24, 2024.
A modified argument for a relational God. At BSPR (British society for philosophy of religion), Oxford, 31 Aug- 2 Sep 2023.
Review of the book Personal Idealism by Keith Ward, at online conference “Open and Relational Theology Online Conference”, February 10-11, 2023.
Pantheism and the argument for environmental wellbeing. At the conference: “Global Sustainability: Science and Religion In Dialogue”, Ålesund, Norway, 4-8 May 2022.
How should we speak about God? Panentheism, pantheism, and classical theism. At the symposium: “New Ways of Doing Philosophy of Religion: Interdisciplinary and Global Perspectives”, part of the Global Philosophy of Religion Project, funded by the John Tempelton Foundation, Birmingham, England, 29-30 March 2022.
The power of God: an inspiration for dominance? At the conference: “Ethics: Power, Relations, and the Diversity of Subjectivities”, Södertörn, Sweden, 13-15 Nov 2019.
Popular Scientific Presentation of Research
Presentation of research for the employees and theologians of Stockholm’s bishopric, 17 October 2024. “Is the God we worship beyond, or in, nature? On how the conception of God affects our climate engagements.”
Panel discussion on the researcher’s role when conducting scientific research. Stockholm, Katedralakademin, 6 October 2024.
Interviewed in podcast: Teologi i tiden: Avsnitt 62: Gud och världen. Vad innebär panenteistiska föreställningar för hur vi föreställer oss relationen mellan Gud och världen? Och vilka praktiska konsekvenser får sådana föreställningar? Lina Langby berättar om sin avhandling ”Gud och världen”, i ett samtal med Michael Nausner.
Presentation and discussion with the theologians of Sweden’s bishoprics, 20th of March 2023. Presentation and discussion about the chapter “Feministisk religionsfilosofi och lidandets problem”, (eng: Feminist philosophy of religion and the problem of suffering) Lina Langby, in Vidgade perspektiv på lidandets problem, eds. Francis Jonbäck, Oliver Li, Lina Langby. (2022, Stockholm: Dialogos).
Interviewed in podcast: G(ud)punkten podcast, Season 5, Episode 5, En Gud värdig tillbedjan.